Jerivs St Camberwell
Jo Chappel
Anton renovated my home in Melbourne. I found Anton on the internet. The company sounded very appealing, and they sounded to be just what I wanted. The building process was very thorough and very honest. Anton, the owner and the builder, went through the project and plan that I had. He was very straight-forward and straight down the line with what the project involved, so the communication flowed. He was very happy for me to ask him questions that might have been rudimentary for him. Nothing was too much trouble. The main thing for Anton was that we both understood where each other was coming from. From that, we developed a strong foundation of respect that endured throughout the duration of the project. The attitude of the management was always very positive and very proactive, even when he struck road-blocks as happens with every single project. Whether it be resources or materials not coming for extended periods of time, or weather-wise – if we have a huge downpour and he can’t work that particular day – Anton always put a positive slant on it. He thought outside the box which sometimes led to creative solutions that worked in our favor at the end. The communication between Anton and myself was good. Whenever anything comes up, Anton will always try and contact you by phone. I found on-site meetings at the start of the day, where he’d communicate exactly what was happening, to be very advantageous. Anton’s attention to detail looked nothing less than the best. He’s creative and he’s a craftsman. The quality of Anton’s workmanship is second to none. You can’t fault it. There were many challenges that were totally unpredictable and all of them beyond his control. He turned adversity into a positive feature. I definitely would recommend Anton to others, and I actually already have. People who I have recommended him to have had positive experiences, have recommended him to others in turn, and so forth and so on. Probably one other thing that I would like to say about Anton is that he has great integrity. He enjoys the process from the creative side and the challenges it brings. It’s not just monetary for him. Believe it or not, he has a passion. He personalizes the experience and throughout that his passion comes through. The other thing, too, is that since 2008 he’s become very aware of sustainability and this has perhaps become a great strength of his. When he’s building a home or doing a renovation, he will always think of the sustainable attributes.